Putting up around 20 fences in High Barnet

Job description


We are looking to put fence in around our garden. We think there’ll be around 20 panels.

Last year we had someone that came to ‘do the job’ but they disappeared half way through. If you give me an email I can send you a picture of how they left the ‘start’ of placing the fences. We think that they were trying to make a cement wall to attach the posts in as the neighbours didn’t want us to touch their fence and the house is on a hill, so from this house to the next one is quite a height difference.

The size of the garden (70sq feet) all the way around there will be around 20 panels and they need something to rest on.

Would you be able to give a quote for this? Our budget is not huge, so we don't really want to waste your time if the quote is above what we can afford, so having a proximity to the price would help us to narrow down the ones we can afford, so they may be able to come and arrange a viewing.

We are located in High Barnet, 5 mins walk from the tube station.

Thank you


Quotes for job

Another business was hired 8 years ago.

2 other people are looking at this job right now!